New site...

For some time now I have been talking about a new site. I normally like to pad dates, such as saying that I will have something by the end of the summer, when I fully intend to have it by mid summer... Just in case something goes wrong. I thought this was the case with my new site as well.

I was wrong.

I have been dealing with a company (I will omit the company name right now, because I am still trying to work with them) for over a month now, with no end in sight. I am to the point that I have started to look for new options. I just wanted to let everyone know that I am working on making my main site more than it is now, and offering a shopping cart so that you have the ability to place your order and pay right away rather than having to email or snail mail the order form to me. What I do have in mind will be outstanding... It's just trying to move forward at this point.

For lack of a better way to put it, I am going to have to say that the new site is "COMING SOON-ish!" Please just hope with me that all goes well!

Happier when it's cool inside

Movie Wednesday!

Well, really, movie Tuesday. Did you know that if you sign up for a Regal Crown Card (or whatever it's called) and show your card when you buy your ticket on Tuesday, you get a FREE small popcorn?! Eric loves to go to the movies, so I insist on going on Tuesday nights because a) It's nearly empty b) I get free popcorn! (Well, I pay $.50 to upgrade to a medium.)

Last night we went to see WALL-E. It was great! I don't know that there was any dialog for the first 20 minutes or so of the movie, but it wasn't lacking for it! It was just an outstanding, cute, funny movie! I can't single out the best part of the movie, but what I can tell you... I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat a Twinkie again!

Mac vs. PC

Many photographers prefer to use Macs over PCs. Years ago, when I need a computer for my dorm room I thought long and hard trying to decide between a desktop PC or an ibook. My major was computer science, and my minor photography. The final decision... an HP desktop! While I have complaints about the actually computer I purchased (actually more so with the idiot that sold it to me!) I will never regret my decision! Sure, Apple has a rockin' design team (I will admit everything they make looks good) and a top notch marketing department (Microsoft, take note!) but unless Microsoft totally falls asleep, I can't foresee any reason to buy a Mac.

I... am a PC user! My family knows all too well how I feel about the Mac/PC debate. =) I change the station when the Mac comercials come on. It sickens me to hear what they can say about Microsoft! Anyways... I guess it's best if I don't rant on about how I feel about Apple... and Mac users... I just want to post a few comics that Eric sent me (from express how I feel...