The Longest Day - WPPI

"24 of the hottest professional photographers in the country (and Canada), bring them all to southern California armed only with the knowledge that they would be split into two teams and given an assignment to complete in just 24 hours. Once they arrive, they find out their assignment is to write, shoot, and edit an original short film about photography, AND an original PSA about the respective charity for which they are playing: ThirstRelief and Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep." - Taken from the Longest Day Blog.

Check out the final video:

Episodes 1-9 (and both trailers) can be found at the blog for The Longest Day.

Buffalo Zoo Valentine

Friday the 6th is the last day for Valentine adoptions at the Buffalo Zoo!

For just $10 your valentine receives two guest passes, a chocolate heart, and an adoption certificate. This is such a great deal!

Eric and I normally don't do anything for Valentine's day, but after seeing this we decided to. I'm getting a Zany Zebra. Which of the 12 different animals will you choose to adopt?