New Templates...New Logo?

I've been looking into buying (and making) new templates over the past few weeks and I had one that I wanted to share!

Isn't he the cutest? Don't you love his curls?

Site Update

First the good news! My issue with the company I was purchasing my site with has been resolved! The bad news, it was in the form of a refund, a month later.

I feel the need to let the world know that in dealing with Blu Domain ( I think I may have located the worst Customer Service in the WORLD! If you're ever looking for a web site (photography related or not) I could give you a list of other places to try, just ask me! Oh, and in case you're wondering... No one even said 'I'm sorry.' That's really the last straw!

Moving along to better news! I have confirmed the company that I will use for my website! They are just wrapping up the finishing touches on the shopping cart and I hope it won't be too much longer! They were honest with me when I asked how much longer it would take, telling me they 'guess' at just another few weeks, but didn't want to give an exact date because they would rather delay a day or two to work out bugs, than release a buggy product. I respect that, I'm just going crazy with excitement and don't know how much longer I can hold it all in!!! =)